+91 9910457210, +91 8447728560

Check the Weather

The weather is the single factor most likely to affect your trip positively or negatively, and one of the things many people most take for granted. Of course it is going to be warm in Spain during the spring — but there are always exceptions to prevailing weather patterns,...

Check Public Transit Maps on the Web

On a trip to Seattle a few years ago, a quick Web search on public transit produced two very worthwhile pieces of information: 1) the public monorail system was not working, and 2) the downtown bus system was free for the entire length of downtown. Not surprisingly for Seattle,...

Map Out Your First Drive

Similarly, if you’re going to be driving during your trip, it may be worth mapping out that first route ahead of time. Some car rental companies offer GPS units, but they’re not always in English and they may not be in working order. Figuring out how to get where you...